Transmission Line Theory for Digital Signals
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0. TEM wave
TEM mode solution of Maxwell's equations
Distributed L and C model of a transmission line
1. Single transmission line
General solution of transmission-line equations
Multiple reflection in a terminated line
How does an electric lamp turn on?
Characteristic impedance of a wire over a ground plane
Characteristic impedance of a wire between two ground planes
2. Coupled transmission lines
General solution of coupled transmission-line equations
Multiple reflection in terminated coupled-lines
Differential and single-ended impedances
Differential impedance of two wires over a ground plane
Crosstalk noise onto a floating line
Crosstalk between two terminated lines (RT=∞,RS=Z0)
Crosstalk between two terminated lines (RS=RT=Zg)
Quasi-TEM approximation of impedance and propagation speed
Crosstalk in a quasi-TEM mode (Forward crosstalk)
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update 2013.3.17 zakii